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Student Resources FAQs

This guide provides answers to common questions that Fowler School of Law students have about Law Library services.

Books, Supplies, & Materials

Do you have study aids available?

We have a variety of study aids in e-book format and in print that offer detailed explanations, outlines, and/or practice questions and answers. All can help you organize your studying, enhance your understanding, and review for exams. View a complete listing of both print and online study aids.

Do you have textbooks for my course?

Sorry, we do not purchase textbooks.

Do you have a stapler or hole punch?

Yes. A variety of staplers and hole punches are available for your use along the side of the Circulation and Research Desks.

Do you have earplugs?

Yes. You can pick up a free pair from either the Research Desk or the Circulation Desk. Please do not return them; they're yours to keep.

How long can books be checked out?

Materials on Reserve can be checked out for three hours at a time. All other circulating materials can be checked out for 14 weeks at a time. Please note that many items in our collection, such as treatises, practice guides, and primary law, are non-circulating.

Course Reserves & Exams

How do I access previous exams and model answers?

Some professors have made past exams available to students as study tools. To access these exams, follow these steps:

1. Go to the Law Library homepage.

2. In the box labeled Course Reserves & Exams, enter your instructor's name and click Search. You can also search by the title of your course by clicking on the "Search by Course Name" link.

Course Reserves and Exams Search Box

3. Select the appropriate course.

Search results box

4. If the exam is available at "Law Course Reserve," you can check out a copy at the Circulation Desk.

Example of Law Course Reserve

If it is available at "Law Electronic Reserve," click the title of the exam and proceed to Step 5.

Law Electronic Reserve

5. At the Login screen, enter your name, Chapman ID number, and PIN and click "Submit." If you do not have a PIN follow the directions to create one.

6. A pdf of the exam will open in a new tab.

Interlibrary Loan

I need to obtain a book or article, but you don't have it. Can you help me?

Certainly. Submit an interlibrary loan request and we will do our best to obtain the material for you. Before you submit your request, check both the Law Library and the Leatherby Libraries catalogs for the material you are seeking.

Legal Research Assistance

Can you provide assistance with legal research?

Of course - that's what we are here for! We can help you with research questions; suggest useful resources; obtain materials for Law Review; show you how to use a database; brainstorm research strategies; and more - just ask us! If you have a more in-depth research question, make an appointment with a Research Librarian or email us. Briefly describe your research problem and what steps you have already taken, and we will respond to set up a meeting.

Library Account & Fines

How do I access my Library Account?

Navigate to the Library Account Login page and click on "Chapman SSO."  The log-in information is the same as your Chapman student email. Please contact the Law Library Research Desk at 714-628-2548 or if you need help.

Does the Law Library charge fines for overdue/lost items?

Yes. The Law Library assesses fines at the following rates:

  • Overdue items from the general collection:  $0.50/day
  • Overdue Reserve items:  $0.50/hour
  • Lost study room key cards:  $10.00
  • Lost items other than study room key cards:  replacement cost

I have a fine on my account. Who should I see to take care of it?

Please speak with a Law Library staff member at the Circulation Desk.

Library Hours & Policies

What are your hours?

Our current hours may be found on the Law Library homepage. Hours are extended during the Law School's Reading Period and Final Exams.

Can I eat in the Law Library?

Yes. Food and drink are allowed in the library.

Printing, Copying, & Scanning

The Law Library offers two printing systems, WEPA and Pharos. This section explains how to use a WEPA print station. WEPA offers an app to print from a smartphone and cloud accounts (Google Drive, Office 365, OneDrive, Dropbox, and Box).

WEPA Printer Location: at the side of the public workstations next to the staircase on the first floor

How to print:

  1. Slide your Chapman ID card.
  2. Choose an USB or a cloud that you upload a print document from.
  3. Adjust your print setup as necessary
  4. Make a payment either with Chapman WEPA printing bucks or with WEPA balance.

Note: Chapman WEPA printing bucks are the credits that you manage with Chapman University. WEPA balance is the balance that you manage in your personal WEPA account.  

How to print with the WEPA App:

First, download the WEPA app from Google Play or Apple Store. Link your cloud accounts to use with WEPA

  1. Open your WEPA app and add a document from Files or Cloud. it will upload it to the print server. 
  2. Tap your smartphone on a WEPA print station. You need the NFC feature turned on your phone. If your phone cover is thick, a WEPA print station may not detect your phone. Smartphone tapping works only when you have already uploaded a print job and tap "Tap to Login" button on the right bottom of the app screen. 
  3. You will find a document that you sent from the app on the WEPA station.
  4. Adjust your print setup as necessary. 
  5. Make a payment ether with Chapman WEPA printing bucks or with WEPA balance. 

How to print from your own laptop

Do you know that you can print your documents directly from your laptop? Download the printer driver from here. Complete the installation following its instruction. After installed, the WEPA printers will appear as printer options when you try to print from applications.

Other useful WEPA tips:

  • You can use your WEPA app on any WEPA print stations, e.g. in other university campuses. Use "Find Nearest Print Station" on the app.
  • You can setup landscape, double-sided, pages, and number of copies. 
  • You can recover previous print jobs to re-print on a WEPA station.
  • You can cancel a print job from a WEPA station or from the WEPA app.
  • Your account will be automatically logged out in inactivity from a WEPA station.
  • You can add WEPA balance from the WEPA app or station
  • You can login the station without your campus card. But you have to type in your username and password on the open screen. We do not recommend this activity for your security.

What is the cost to print?

  • 10 cents per sheet (black)
  • 50 cents per sheet (color) 

What is my printing balance?

Your Chapman ID cards will be credited with a balance of $20.00 for the Fall and Spring semesters (total $40.00 for the academic year) to be used toward WEPA printing on campus. Any unused credit does not roll forward to the next semester. If you use up your $20 credit for the semester, printing charges will automatically deduct from their declining balance. You may add funds to your Chapman ID card by visiting the Cashier's Office in Bhathal Hall, or by going online and adding funds to your Chapman eAccount.

Where can I make copies?

There are copiers on the first and second floors of the Law Library. Copies cost 10 cents per page, and you can pay with your Chapman ID card (if you have funds available) or a credit card. You can add funds to your Chapman ID card by visiting the Cashier's Office in Bhathal Hall or going online and logging in to your Chapman eAccount.

Is there a scanner available in the Library?

Yes. There is a scanner available in the Microfiche Room on the first floor of the Law Library. The Research Librarians also can recommend useful apps if you prefer to use a mobile device.

Pharos Printer Center

How do I print?

Not counting the WEPA station printer. There are four other printers in the Law Library, three of them on the first floor. The three on the first floor include two printers in the room behind the Reference Desk and the other one is in room 115, the Copy Room. The second floor printer is just past the elevators in the hall leading to study rooms 203-206.  Stop by the Circulation or Research Desks if you need assistance.

To print from your laptop or phone:

  • Connect to Wi-Fi using Chapman eduroam
  • Go to (Pharos Print Center) and login with your Chapman credentials
  • Upload your document
  • (Optional) To select specific pages, under Print options, enter a page range. Confirm that pages and cost get updated accordingly.  You may choose an option of 'Single-Sided.' Be aware that printing single-sided works only with Reference and Room 209 printers at this moment. 
  • Then, you have two choices of printing:
    1. Printing via a release station (Recommended): go to any print release station, slide your card, and release your uploaded document. This method will securely hold your prints until you actually release them at the printer room
    2. Printing directly from Pharos Print Center (Online): under Destination, enter 'Law Library' in the search, and choose a printer (Law Library -Reference Color, Law Library -Reference B/W, and Law Library 115 are on the first floor; Law Library 209 is on the second floor). Pick-up your print job from the selected destination. Beware that this method will immediately release your documents  

To print from legal research workstations:

  • Print from software (like Word, Adobe)
  • Under Printer, choose a destination printer (Law Library -Reference Color, Law Library -Reference B/W, and Law Library 115 are on the first floor; Law Library 209 is on the second floor)
  • Under Printer settings, specify print settings, such as page range, both sides, page per sheet, etc. 
  • At the print station, swipe your student ID, and select the document to release it

What is the cost to print?

  • 10 cents per sheet (black ink)
  • Color printing is 50 cents per side. In addition to the Law Library there are more color printer available in the Leatherby Libraries Rotunda. 

What is my printing balance?

Your Chapman ID cards will be credited with a balance of $35.00 for the Fall and Spring semesters ($70.00 for the academic year) and $5.00 for the Summer semester to be used toward printing on campus. Any unused credit does not roll forward to the next semester. If you use up your credit for the semester, you may add funds to your Chapman ID card by visiting the Cashier's Office in Bhathal Hall, or by adding funds to your Chapman eAccount.

Study Rooms

How can I reserve a study room?

Fowler School of Law students can reserve a study room using our online reservation system up to a week in advance. Simply click the boxes representing the time period you wish to reserve (up to three hours) and click "Submit Times." 

Login with your Chapman credentials. Next, confirm the details of your reservation and click "Submit my Reservation." You will receive an e-mail confirming your reservation.

At the time of your reservation, bring your Chapman ID to the Circulation Desk, where you can pick up your study room key card. Please return your key card prior to the end of your reserved time to avoid late fines.

Please note that rooms not picked up by their reserved time may be canceled after 15 minutes and given to another student unless they have notified Circulation staff that they will be running late. Please send an email to or call the Circulation Desk at (714) 628-2552 to notify staff that you will be running late or if you need any other assistance booking rooms

Technology Issues

I'm having trouble logging into Westlaw, Lexis+, or another Law Library Database

Please contact the Law Library's Research Desk at (714) 628-2548 or and a Research Librarian will assist you.

I need help with my library account PIN

Please see the information on creating a Library Account PIN, or contact the Law Library's Research Desk at and a Research Librarian will assist you.

My Chapman login is not working

Please contact the Chapman IS&T Service Desk at (714) 997-6600 or

I need help connecting to WiFi

Please see the information on connecting to Chapman eduRoam.