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Civil Procedure Research Guide


The databases below offer great resources for practical guidance on civil procedure. They also provide further access to relevant codes, rules, and other resources relevant to rules of court and civil procedure statutes at the state and federal levels. 

Practical Guidance

CEB OnLaw offers California practice guides, treatises, and downloadable forms. Select the Civil Litigation tab to view the various resources in the database. 

Lexis+ Practical Guidance: Civil Litigation Lexis+ offers users a Practical Guidance database which provides access to practice notes, templates, articles, and other secondary sources on a variety of topics related the practice of law at the Federal and State level. One of the topics included is Civil Litigation which also contains a section of Pre-litigation as well. (Lexis+ Login Required)

Westlaw Practical Law Westlaw also offers a Practical Law database which provides users with a variety of resources related to the practice of law at the Federal and State Levels. This link will take you to the Litigation section which provides resources on the litigation process in Civil Practice and Procedure. (Westlaw Login Required) 

Bloomberg Law Practical Guidance provides a section on Litigation. It offers resources on initiating litigation, conducting discovery, sample documents and other resources to provide guidance on the litigation process.